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Lorenzo Monti

Postdoc at National Institute for Astrophysics, guitar player and espresso addicted

InspectNoise: Real-time sound meter

InspectNoise is a real-time sound meter with A glance into single-board computer. The main idea is to have a low-budget device to monitor and analyze acoustic noise. To do this we used a Kinobo USB microphone named Mini AKIRO.

We have also used a calibrated sound level meter and temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0 sensors to create a dataset, and through machine learning models we have significantly improved accuracy performance (in terms of dB SPL) of the aforementioned microphone.

All tests are based on Raspberry Pi 2 model B. This projects is totally open-source (license MIT) and you can find the source code on GitHub. Following, the instruction step-by-step to use InspectNoise:


The file requiremets.txt contains libraries that need to be installed.

        pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage and FLAGS

To know available flags use:

        python3 inspect_noise --help
Flag Description
-c/ --collect collect data as Min, Max and Avg
-l/--log [file] log of recorded data as text file. [file] is an optional params, if not specified, program will save log on a file (name: log.log) in ~/.inspectNoise/ hidden folder
-r/--record threshold record audio when dB are on average higher than the specified threshold. Timestamp used as name of audio file.
-s/--seconds seconds specify recording time
-sh/--showindex it is useful for know index of input audio devices available
-se/--setindex index used to set index of input microphone (writing on configuration file)
-f/--format [mp3, wav, ogg] define format of output record. It can be used only with –record
-to/--thrashesoutput used for debug or utility, when specified permit to not show output on terminal
-ca/--calibrate used to load machine learning model that try to predict db read by a calibrated phonometer. The calibration tries to predict the values read by the [UT351/352] (the calibration tries to predict the read values of the UT321 sound level meter) sound level meter


Please pay attention when use –calibrate flag, because, as reported in requirements.txt file, in our Raspberry the version of scikit-learn is 0.21.3, and the model was printed using the same version of this library.


After first use the tool creates a hidden folder with name “.inspectNoise” in ~ (user dir). In this directory will be created (after using flag –record for the first time) a new directory with name gathered_mp3. Within this folder will be saved recorded data in sub-folder with date of recoded day.

In the project directory are included 2 more utils file.

  • First is that can be ran separately to create graphs starting from a log file (created with flag –log). The output will be located in “plot_data” folder, located in “.inspect_noise” folder.
        python3 file.log my_dpi [threshold]
  • Second is that it can be used to merge audio in a specific folder.
        python3 input_dir_path export_file format

Created Dataset

Using this library for the environmental noise monitoring with a microphone and a SPL meter three different datasets were created. The following datasets are located in subdirectory named “dataset” and stored in simple csv files.

  1. DB_dataset_first_model.csv. This dataset contains microphone and SPL meter samples corresponding to the same second.
  2. DB_dataset_canarin_second_model.csv. This dataset contains microphone, SPL meter and environmental (like temperature, humidity, pression, PM ecc.) samples corresponding to the same second.
  3. DB_dataset_canarin_third_model.csv. This dataset contains microphone, SPL meter and environmental (like temperature, humidity, pression, PM ecc.) samples corresponding to the same minute.

In the first and second datasets are used data from a month of sampling, while in the third are used two months’ data.


Monti, L.; Vincenzi, M.; Mirri, S.; Pau, G.; Salomoni, P. RaveGuard: A Noise Monitoring Platform Using Low-End Microphones and Machine Learning. Sensors 2020, 20, 5583. DOI